If you wish to contact us for information on the house La Gazzella you can fill out the following form

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Name: *
Surname: *
Arrival date: (dd-mm-yyyy) *
Departure date: (dd-mm-yyyy) *
No. adults: *
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Pets: Yes No  
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Notice in accordance with article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003

The data provided on this page will be processed by Hometorent Italy di Ombretta Cei using manual and/or computerised processing methods in full compliance with personal data protection legislation, solely for the purpose of fulfilling your requests. Providing your data is optional: if you do not supply the requested data, we will be unable to respond to your request. Data will be accessed and processed solely by parties appointed to perform the activities and controls required for the purposes described above. The data controller is Hometorent Italy di Ombretta Cei: you may exercise your rights to access your personal data under art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 by writing to the Privacy Manager: Hometorent Italy di Ombretta Cei, Via Dei Lecci, 71/D - 55049 Viareggio (LU), Italy.

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Hometorent Italy
di Ombretta Cei

Via Dei Lecci, 71/D
55049 Viareggio (Lucca)
VAT no.: 02264920469
Fiscal code: CEIMRT67E63E625P

tel. +39 338 3675943
skypename: hometorentitaly
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